Google Chrome 40.0.2214.5 Dev
Google Chrome 40.0.2214.5 Dev
Google Chrome is a browser with good design and
sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. One
box for everything. Chrome's browser window is streamlined, clean and
simple. For example, you can search and navigate from the same box and
arrange tabs however you wish — quickly and easily.
Chrome will show you
a warning message before you visit a site that is suspected of
containing malware or phishing. With Safe Browsing technology enabled in
Chrome, if you encounter a website suspected of containing phishing or
malware as you browse the web, you will see a warning page like the one
shown above. A phishing attack takes place when someone masquerades as
someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive
information with them, usually through a fake website.
Malware, on the
other hand, is software installed on your machine often without your
knowledge, and is designed to harm your computer or potentially steal
information from your computer. Chrome 36 has multiple user account
support. This means that you can now have multiple people, or at least
multiple Gmail accounts, running in Chrome simultaneously. However, it's
not "people-secure," which means that although your data might be
secured on Google servers, once an account is logged in to Chrome, you
don't have to re-enter your account data. Anybody with access to Chrome
on your computer can see your stuff. Google Chrome aims to be secure,
fast, simple and stable. There are extensive differences from its peers
in Chrome's minimalistic user interface, which is atypical of modern web
browsers. For example, Chrome does not render RSS feeds. One of
Chrome's strengths is its application performance and JavaScript
processing speed, both of which were independently verified by multiple
websites to be the swiftest among the major browsers of its time.
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