Download WindowBlinds
Download WindowBlinds
WindowBlinds allows you to decide the appearance of Windows. It
changes the style of title bars, scrollbars, buttons, and other graphics
all parts of your PC. WindowBlinds integrates office and allows you to
have total control over the GUI. Several predefined themes are available
to you but you can create your own skins with SkinEditor.
WindowBlinds has been downloaded over 10 million times all over the
country. WindowBlinds 7.0 at and was voted "Best Vertical
Market Program or Utility" in the 2006 Shareware Industry Awards
Foundation People's Choice Awards.As of November 2009 there were 4448
WindowBlinds comes with customizable skins available at WinCustomize,
with an average of nine being added per week; another popular repository
is deviantART.
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