Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Download FileZilla 3.13.1 (32-bit) - Filecoffee.com

Download FileZilla 3.13.1 (32-bit) - Filecoffee.com

FileZilla FTP offers a free and easy to use client that will enable
both beginners and experienced users to connect remotely to a server in
order to download files . This particularly rich application supports
drag and drop, SSL and SSH protocols and allows to resume updates and
interrupted downloads including files Sizeable (over 4GB) . Thanks to
manager integrated sites, you can more quickly access addresses to which
you connect a regular basis.

In the new version of FileZilla include new features,including the
display of the amount of data transferred and the transfer time in the
log window . FileZilla also provides faster access to the function of
speed limit transfers and adds support for backspace button on the mouse
that feature . Finally FileZilla offers a refreshing interface with
icons made ​​to date.
